Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Harrington Elementary School

Harrington Elementary school is located in north Denver. The school has a 98% free and reduced lunch rate. The racial breakdown is shown in the following graph.

Many kindergarten students began the year not recognizing any letters and numbers. Many couldn't even point to there name written on the board. Very few of them had had preschool experience. Students are constantly coming and going, always entering with little school experience, and always leaving without notice. The school provides snacks for the kids both during and after school. During breaks the kids don't go on vacations to the beach, they sit at home and stare at the television. There was even a boy who wrote a story the first day back about visiting his uncle in jail over break and how it made him sad.

The kids at this school live a very different life than my own. Visiting this school has definitely shown me a new perspective on schools, teachers, and the difference they can make in the life of a child.

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